Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Accessibility Statement

This website is run by Ofgem. We want everyone who visits the Non-Domestic RHI Register to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding. For example, this means you should be able to:

  • change colours, contrast levels and fonts
  • zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen
  • navigate most of the website using just a keyboard
  • navigate most of the website using speech recognition software
  • listen to most of the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS and NVDA)

AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.

How accessible this website is

We've worked hard on the Non-Domestic RHI Register. We've been using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities, and user friendly for everyone.

The guidelines have three levels of accessibility (A, AA and AAA). We’ve chosen Level AA as the target for the Non-Domestic RHI Register, and believe we've achieved this goal. However, we continue to monitor the website regularly and will soon undergo a 3rd party review to ensure we can provide the best possible service. We will update this Statement with any additional information as appropriate.

What to do if you can’t access parts of this website

If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille:

We’ll consider your request and get back to you within two working days.

Reporting accessibility problems with this website

We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems that aren’t listed on this page or think we’re not meeting the requirements of the accessibility regulations, please contact us using the above details.

Enforcement procedure

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing accessibility regulations. If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).

Technical information about this website’s accessibility

Ofgem is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

We will soon undergo a 3rd party review to ensure we can provide the best possible service. We will update this Statement with the outcome of that review and any additional information as appropriate.

The accessibility regulations do not require us to fix PDFs or other documents published before 23 September 2018 if they’re not essential to providing our services.

How we tested this website

We last tested this website in August 2019. The test included desk-based testing and was carried out internally by Ofgem.

Last updated: 17 September 2020
Next review: 17 September 2021